Temporary Resident Visa

Temporary Resident Visa

A visitor visa, also known as a temporary resident visa (TRV), is an official document that authorises you to visit Canada or transit through a Canadian airport. At the port of entry, the immigration or border services officer may allow you to stay for less or more than six months.

Travelling to Canada as a visitor may appear to be a simple task in terms of obtaining a TRV. However, Canada makes its borders surprisingly impenetrable for millions of people who want to visit from abroad. In the year 2017 alone, Canada refused entry to nearly 600,000 people who wanted to come for a short stay for tourism, school, business, academic conferences or simply to see their families.

You may need a visitor visa or an electronic travel authorization depending on your nationality. Before applying to visit Canada, make sure that you need a visitor visa or electronic travel authorization

In case you intend to visit Canada and apply for a temporary resident visa, we invite you to contact our office.

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